We here at JVS be getting our pirate crew together and be launchin the Rum’s Revenge from Secret Spirits.
It be an adventure you’ve naught found before; the Rum’s Revenge Pirate Chest be laden with a dozen rums only a lucky few will ever be tasting. Yer be sailin a treasure map across the seven seas. Sealed it be with skull n bones. The Rum’s Revenge pirate ship in a bottle be yer way around the map to match the symbols and be finding yer next rum treasure. Down the hatch with the rum in yer skull glass while wearin your Rum’s Revenge piece of 8 proud and true.
These ere rums be pulled together from the farthest reaches. Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad, Nicaragua, Reunion, Martinique, Canada, US, Guatemala, Fiji and more be makin up a tasty array of fine Rum fare.